It so happens that there is already a "" and it is a very cool site indeed.
Monday, May 31, 2004
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Six kids, two moms and a lot of cheese and crackers...
When we were, I suppose, about 20, my friend Tina had her first baby I came to see her and I stood on her doorstep as we were leaving and swore our kids would grow up to be friends. As the years passed, life happened and it looked less and less likely that that would ever be a possibility. But here we are years later back in our hometown with about as many bad things in common as we have good and in some ways it's like no time has passed at all. In other ways, it's like a million years have passed, but so goes it. Anyway, Tina's boys and my girls played together and it was beautiful chaos. They all had a blast, and it's so nice to hang out with someone else who doesn't have a stick up teir ass when it comes to discipline, frankly. There was some degree of running wild, but everyone was safe and happy and nothing got destroyed, which is all one can ask out of life, really. It was especially cool to see the two babies interact, both of them being somewhat unused to playmates their own age. Mainly it consisted of handing each other things and running away. So cute. And amidst it all, we actually managed to get a little work done too. Go figure. Thanks Tina! Let's do it again soon!
In other news, I am alternately waging a rather aggressive job search and groveling in humility at the feet of several cruelly benevolent state agencies in an effort to pay my rent and go on with my life. I have $335 to go and 4 days in which to acquire it. But ny oh so understanding parents have performed the great and generous task of delivering their unwanted, expired can goods to my doorsteo unnanounced. Thank you, Mom and Dad, maybe I can sell your half box of stale oatmeal packets and the bottle of salt free ketchup on the black market at a good markup or something. If you haven't yet heard the details of my parents' recent "supportive" speech, well, it's really all too sordid to repeat, but suffice it to say some of the Chrisitans I know are terribly unchristian in their attitudes towards people in need. I bet if I "found Jesus" somebody'd come up with the rent money, but I'm, sticking to my new policy of brutal honesty and forthfrightness even if it hurts, warts and all. Saying I believed in god would be a lie, and lying to avoid hurt feelings leads to lying to save face, leads to lying for personal gain, and I've at certain points in recent history been gradually compelled to lie way more than I've ever wanted to and I never want to be that kind of person again. That's an approach to life worth modeling for my girls, I think.
Speaking of the girls, my wee little Miss Sarah Peanut is turning two on Tuesday! She won't be a baby anymore:(
In other news, I am alternately waging a rather aggressive job search and groveling in humility at the feet of several cruelly benevolent state agencies in an effort to pay my rent and go on with my life. I have $335 to go and 4 days in which to acquire it. But ny oh so understanding parents have performed the great and generous task of delivering their unwanted, expired can goods to my doorsteo unnanounced. Thank you, Mom and Dad, maybe I can sell your half box of stale oatmeal packets and the bottle of salt free ketchup on the black market at a good markup or something. If you haven't yet heard the details of my parents' recent "supportive" speech, well, it's really all too sordid to repeat, but suffice it to say some of the Chrisitans I know are terribly unchristian in their attitudes towards people in need. I bet if I "found Jesus" somebody'd come up with the rent money, but I'm, sticking to my new policy of brutal honesty and forthfrightness even if it hurts, warts and all. Saying I believed in god would be a lie, and lying to avoid hurt feelings leads to lying to save face, leads to lying for personal gain, and I've at certain points in recent history been gradually compelled to lie way more than I've ever wanted to and I never want to be that kind of person again. That's an approach to life worth modeling for my girls, I think.
Speaking of the girls, my wee little Miss Sarah Peanut is turning two on Tuesday! She won't be a baby anymore:(
Saturday, May 29, 2004
Friday, May 28, 2004
Morgana's Stones reading of the day...
Orange,The Stone Of Power-
This is the stone of power, success, control, and will. Orange is a very
strong, powerful colour. It contains the passion of red activated by
yellow. This combination becomes sheer Willpower, the ability to manifest
all that is desired.
The Moonstone reflects the influence of the Divine Mother. She represents
the cyclical nature of life and our own waxing and waning. The Moonstone
is the wishing stone. Where she lands all things are possible.
This is the stone of power, success, control, and will. Orange is a very
strong, powerful colour. It contains the passion of red activated by
yellow. This combination becomes sheer Willpower, the ability to manifest
all that is desired.
The Moonstone reflects the influence of the Divine Mother. She represents
the cyclical nature of life and our own waxing and waning. The Moonstone
is the wishing stone. Where she lands all things are possible.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Crystal Ball Reading Of the Day
Be careful what you wish for, you may get it!
If only I knew 100 people...
...that would lend me $5 each, I'd be golden.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Sometimes when you can't carry your own weight you have to shut your eyes
and dive right in and hope nobody's gonna drop you...
and dive right in and hope nobody's gonna drop you...
Morgana's Stones reading of the day...
Orange,The Stone Of Power-
This is the stone of power, success, control, and will. Orange is a very
strong, powerful colour. It contains the passion of red activated by
yellow. This combination becomes sheer Willpower, the ability to manifest
all that is desired.
The Moonstone reflects the influence of the Divine Mother. She represents
the cyclical nature of life and our own waxing and waning. The Moonstone
is the wishing stone. Where she lands all things are possible.
This is the stone of power, success, control, and will. Orange is a very
strong, powerful colour. It contains the passion of red activated by
yellow. This combination becomes sheer Willpower, the ability to manifest
all that is desired.
The Moonstone reflects the influence of the Divine Mother. She represents
the cyclical nature of life and our own waxing and waning. The Moonstone
is the wishing stone. Where she lands all things are possible.
Monday, May 24, 2004
William Blake Tarot Cards Of The Day
Ace of Music (Passion): "The desire of Man being Infinite the possession is Infinite & himself Infinite." Release of emotions. Upsurge of creative power. Unlimited potential. Being carried away by your emotions (swept up on wings of song). Feeling a passion for life. Wanting to achieve the highest potentials in yourself and the situation. Following your bliss. Feeling a deep sense of grace and fulfillment. Vulnerability and openness. In the creative process: A passionate desire to rise above the norm, to soar to personal new heights of creative vision.
( Six of Science (Passage): Opening the way or clearing obstacles. Movement of information. A Rite of Passage. A stressful journey. Seeking a sense of purpose. Receiving guidance from a higher source. Exploring new terrain. In the creative process: Your imagination needs to be uncovered or unleashed by resolving contradictory elements and seeking spiritual guidance.
( Six of Science (Passage): Opening the way or clearing obstacles. Movement of information. A Rite of Passage. A stressful journey. Seeking a sense of purpose. Receiving guidance from a higher source. Exploring new terrain. In the creative process: Your imagination needs to be uncovered or unleashed by resolving contradictory elements and seeking spiritual guidance.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
As I fall asleep where I sit, I'm...
...dreaming of clipper ships passing through a harbor.
I have no idea what this means.
I'm going to bed now.
Now that I'm all alone...
I am less alone than I've ever been before.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Listening to...
...Tori and Nirvana.
One to motivate, the other to cathart, an appropriate blend, like whiskey in your tea.
Bonus points that my beautiful wee girls like to dance to both since they are all that matters anymore.
One to motivate, the other to cathart, an appropriate blend, like whiskey in your tea.
Bonus points that my beautiful wee girls like to dance to both since they are all that matters anymore.
Thought I Had
You know how when men have a problem or some sort of crisis or issue,
generally they want to talk about it, but they don't want a solution? They
just want to hear "that sucks" or "what a bummer" and then maybe hear a
good joke to take their minds off the thing, and other guys instinctively
know this? Well I think the equivalent with women is ego stroking.
Seriously. Something I've been noticing lately is as soon as one woman
goes to another with a major crisis, the other woman always ends the
conversation with "You're such a
strong/intelligent/beautiful/fill-in-theblank person and I know you'll get
through this." Or something like that. And even if we know it's a load of
shit it somehow always makes us feel better. And if men and women just
realized this about each other, maybe we would all get along just
famously. Or at least we would stick our feet in our mouths on a less
regular basis. Or something.
generally they want to talk about it, but they don't want a solution? They
just want to hear "that sucks" or "what a bummer" and then maybe hear a
good joke to take their minds off the thing, and other guys instinctively
know this? Well I think the equivalent with women is ego stroking.
Seriously. Something I've been noticing lately is as soon as one woman
goes to another with a major crisis, the other woman always ends the
conversation with "You're such a
strong/intelligent/beautiful/fill-in-theblank person and I know you'll get
through this." Or something like that. And even if we know it's a load of
shit it somehow always makes us feel better. And if men and women just
realized this about each other, maybe we would all get along just
famously. Or at least we would stick our feet in our mouths on a less
regular basis. Or something.
The Return Of Pan
lyrics by the Waterboys
"I stood upon the balcony with my brand new bride
the clink of bells came drifting down the mountainside
When in our sight something moved
- lightning eyed and cloven hooved -
The great god Pan is alive!
He moves amid the modern world in disguise
it's possible to look into his immortal eyes
He's like a man you'd meet anyplace
Until you recognise that ancient face
The great god Pan is alive!
At sea on a ship in a thunder storm
on the very night that Christ was born
A sailor heard from overhead
a mighty voice cry "Pan is dead!"
So follow Christ as best you can
Pan is dead! Long Live Pan!
From the olden days and up through all the years
from Arcadia to the stone fields of Inisheer
Some say the Gods are just a myth
but guess who I've been dancing with
The great god Pan is alive!"
"I stood upon the balcony with my brand new bride
the clink of bells came drifting down the mountainside
When in our sight something moved
- lightning eyed and cloven hooved -
The great god Pan is alive!
He moves amid the modern world in disguise
it's possible to look into his immortal eyes
He's like a man you'd meet anyplace
Until you recognise that ancient face
The great god Pan is alive!
At sea on a ship in a thunder storm
on the very night that Christ was born
A sailor heard from overhead
a mighty voice cry "Pan is dead!"
So follow Christ as best you can
Pan is dead! Long Live Pan!
From the olden days and up through all the years
from Arcadia to the stone fields of Inisheer
Some say the Gods are just a myth
but guess who I've been dancing with
The great god Pan is alive!"
Nirvana Lyrics Demystified... the Cobain Memorial Website.
If I told you what my tears taste like
You wouldn't in a million years believe me
Here I am again
Driving in a wall of sound
Shutting out the world
Before it shuts me out
I can cry and rage and scream, but
Inside I never feel a thing
Like my body's still alive
and my brain can't quite reach it
I've been so frozen and so distanced for so long
It's a wonder I can function
It's a wonder I'm here at all
Sometimes I think I can laugh myself awake
Or that I could be loved into being
If only I were worth it
Why I keep trying is pretty much beyond me
These words are not a work of art
Just the truth
Something with which I have a tenous relationship
I think I'd rather be a monster than a liar anymore
you can't really suffer when you're not all there
So what am I afraid of?
You wouldn't in a million years believe me
Here I am again
Driving in a wall of sound
Shutting out the world
Before it shuts me out
I can cry and rage and scream, but
Inside I never feel a thing
Like my body's still alive
and my brain can't quite reach it
I've been so frozen and so distanced for so long
It's a wonder I can function
It's a wonder I'm here at all
Sometimes I think I can laugh myself awake
Or that I could be loved into being
If only I were worth it
Why I keep trying is pretty much beyond me
These words are not a work of art
Just the truth
Something with which I have a tenous relationship
I think I'd rather be a monster than a liar anymore
you can't really suffer when you're not all there
So what am I afraid of?
Tarot Cards of the Day
The Hanged Man: Pausing to reflect. Surrendering to an experience. Adjusting to new ideas through sacrifice. Opening oneself to intuition and enhanced awareness. Letting go of past patterns and growing beyond them. Inner peace, faith, and serenity.
Queen of Swords, when reversed: The dark essence of air behaving as water, such as a cold rain: A person gifted with both keen logic and natural intuition, giving them uncanny powers of perception and insight. One who easily sees the weakness in any argument, and savages friend and foe alike with biting sarcasm. Dry and vicious wit covering a hollow sense of isolation and dissatisfaction with life.
Queen of Swords, when reversed: The dark essence of air behaving as water, such as a cold rain: A person gifted with both keen logic and natural intuition, giving them uncanny powers of perception and insight. One who easily sees the weakness in any argument, and savages friend and foe alike with biting sarcasm. Dry and vicious wit covering a hollow sense of isolation and dissatisfaction with life.
Friday, May 21, 2004
I am in need of resolve. Or the motivational mental equivalent of Xanax. I know all of the things I need to do, and I have the energy to do them, I just never know where to start. So I sit here balanced and teetering on a precipice and not quite falling and not quite stepping back. Or maybe that's a bit dramatic. Maybe I just need some sort of motivating message or organizational chart or something. At least I'm not depressed and catatonic anymore. I just need to start doing something next while I'm in the process of worrying about what to do next. Maybe that doesn't make any sense. Whatever. I'm rambling. Go visit Mcsweeney's and ignore me.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Simple Rituals if one were inclined to believe in that sort of thing...
Ending Depression
Recite 3 times the following:
Blessed Mother turn your face,
See with Love this empty space,
Renew my heart with love for life.
Remove from me this pain and strife.
Catalyst for Change
Need: a piece of clear quartz or a diamond.
Hold the quartz in your hand, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Bring to mind all the restrictions and limitations in your life. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that surface as a result. Visualize your limitations, see your frustration transforming. See them become a catalyst for change, motivate you to release the past and create a better future.
Know that, just like coal is transformed into a diamond by intense pressure, your life's frustrations and pressures are working to create a better you. Carry the crystal with you as a reminder.
Finding the perfect job
Need: Classified section, tape or glue, paper/pen, marker, objects to burn paper.
Write or type a blurb about yourself as if you are writing a help-available ad. Include your general qualities, what you'd like to do day to day at work, your pay range, be realistic.
Now, write a help-wanted ad. Don't mention any specific company or employer. Just write it so that the job position would be a perfect match to what you wrote for your help-available post.
Glue both ads into the appropriate part of the classified section of the newspaper.
Cast a circle. Inside the circle, take a black marker and circle both of your ads, connecting them with a line. This is your new Perfect Job Symbol. Concentrate on it.
Burn the newspaper, releasing your intent. In a few days, look through the want ads and find your job waiting for you.
Recite 3 times the following:
Blessed Mother turn your face,
See with Love this empty space,
Renew my heart with love for life.
Remove from me this pain and strife.
Catalyst for Change
Need: a piece of clear quartz or a diamond.
Hold the quartz in your hand, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Bring to mind all the restrictions and limitations in your life. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that surface as a result. Visualize your limitations, see your frustration transforming. See them become a catalyst for change, motivate you to release the past and create a better future.
Know that, just like coal is transformed into a diamond by intense pressure, your life's frustrations and pressures are working to create a better you. Carry the crystal with you as a reminder.
Finding the perfect job
Need: Classified section, tape or glue, paper/pen, marker, objects to burn paper.
Write or type a blurb about yourself as if you are writing a help-available ad. Include your general qualities, what you'd like to do day to day at work, your pay range, be realistic.
Now, write a help-wanted ad. Don't mention any specific company or employer. Just write it so that the job position would be a perfect match to what you wrote for your help-available post.
Glue both ads into the appropriate part of the classified section of the newspaper.
Cast a circle. Inside the circle, take a black marker and circle both of your ads, connecting them with a line. This is your new Perfect Job Symbol. Concentrate on it.
Burn the newspaper, releasing your intent. In a few days, look through the want ads and find your job waiting for you.
Tarot Cards of the Day
Queen of Swords: The essence of air behaving as water, such as a refreshing mist: A person gifted with both keen logic and natural intuition, giving them uncanny powers of perception and insight. One who easily sees past deception and confusion to the heart of a matter, and understands both sides of any argument. The embodiment of calm, forthrightness, and wit, in the face of even the most trying circumstances.
Justice: The achievement of balance and inner harmony after a great trial. Agreements, contracts, or treaties concluded justly. Things set to rights. Karma restored. A turn for the better in legal matters.
Justice: The achievement of balance and inner harmony after a great trial. Agreements, contracts, or treaties concluded justly. Things set to rights. Karma restored. A turn for the better in legal matters.
I am indeed still alive, it seems...
Saw Shrek 2 and it was rather cute for a sequel, at least the few minutes of it I saw when I wasn't busy chasing a two year old back to her seat. And I attended a kindergarten graduation today and I was quite proud. And some day I will be able to watch a video that doesn't star the Care Bears, but it's not going to be tonight, it looks like...The more my life changes, the more it stays the same, I guess.
My other thought for the day is...if I ever have five minutes to myself again, I'm volunteering for the Democratic Party. Although I may never have five minutes to myself again, that may just be wishful thinking.
My other thought for the day is...if I ever have five minutes to myself again, I'm volunteering for the Democratic Party. Although I may never have five minutes to myself again, that may just be wishful thinking.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Neil Gaiman Dream
Dreamt I went at the last minute to a Neil Gaiman signing and ran into the
man as he exited the restroom, but was too dumbfounded to speak. He was
just as I pictured him, but with a streak of grey hair in the back.He was
rather elfin, actually, is the only thing I hadn't initially surmised.
Luckily I had Sandman comics in the back of my car. Advice for lucid
dreamers: everything you need can be kept in the trunk of your car. To get
to the signing, I had to thwart my parents, whom for some reason I still
lived with. I have a lot of dreams where I still live with my parents.
Maybe it's time to finally grow up.
man as he exited the restroom, but was too dumbfounded to speak. He was
just as I pictured him, but with a streak of grey hair in the back.He was
rather elfin, actually, is the only thing I hadn't initially surmised.
Luckily I had Sandman comics in the back of my car. Advice for lucid
dreamers: everything you need can be kept in the trunk of your car. To get
to the signing, I had to thwart my parents, whom for some reason I still
lived with. I have a lot of dreams where I still live with my parents.
Maybe it's time to finally grow up.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life... allow me to begin it with one good deed. Read it and pass it on. That
is all:
Dear Corbid,
You and I have a message to send.
What the Bush Administration chooses to do about the horrific scandal of
torture and abuse of prisoners in Iraq will determine what kind of country
we are going to be for decades to come.
We must make certain the Administration does the right thing. I want every
Amnesty supporter to know how we are responding to this crisis and to ask
for your immediate help. If you are a current Amnesty member, please make an
emergency contribution now by clicking here.
If you are not yet a member, there has never been a more important time to raise your
For nearly a year Amnesty has been raising concerns about allegations of
torture and abuse of detainees by U.S. and Coalition forces in Afghanistan,
Guantanamo, Iraq and elsewhere based on our interviews with former detainees
and other sources. We have had no meaningful response from the Bush
administration. And, despite repeated requests we have been denied access
to all detention facilities run by the U.S. Amnesty is openly calling for
specific, verifiable steps to end this horrific crisis, including:
(1) A public declaration stating that the torture and humiliation of
prisoners will not be tolerated;
(2) A halt to all ill-treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody;
(3) Granting independent human rights monitors unrestricted and regular
access to the government's numerous detainees in all detention centers;
(4) Compensating victims of abuse and conducting future interrogations of
prisoners in accordance with strict human rights standards; and
(5) An end to incommunicado detention.
In the days and weeks ahead, Amnesty will mobilize actions including an
International Day to End Torture in key cities and towns across the country.
Amnesty activists have begun organizing our members and other Americans of
good will to create citizen demonstrations on behalf of justice, human
rights and an end to the use of torture, wherever it may be found, whoever
may be perpetrating it. As part of this mobilization, we plan to mount a
major media/public education campaign to publicize the reports delivered
directly by Amnesty International staff to the most senior administration
officials a year ago detailing allegations of torture and ill-treatment in
Afghanistan, Guantanamo and Iraq. Just this past week we taped an urgent
public service spot with actress and activist Susan Sarandon. We will be
seeking national distribution for the spot, which you can hear by clicking this link
We will also press for permission to dispatch an Amnesty delegation to
enter U.S. detention centers not only in Iraq, but also in Afghanistan,
Guantanamo Bay and various undisclosed locations. It is crucial that these
delegations include experts on the Geneva Conventions and other
international laws pertaining to prisoners of war, as well as experienced
human rights investigators. In the weeks ahead, please check out our Web
site for updates on our progress which your generous help makes possible.
And if you have already made a recent gift, please accept my warmest thanks.
With special appreciation for your enduring commitment and support.
Bill Schulz
Executive Director
Amnesty International USA
P.S. Your membership in Amnesty sends a powerful message about what America
is really about. You can join or donate right now using
our safe and convenient online form.
P.S. (from me): Go thou and do likewise...
Monday, May 17, 2004
Words of Advice
Be careful what you wish for.
It might come true.
It might come true.
"And I won't forget to put roses on your grave..."
The tulips appear to have breathed their last, fortuitously enough.
Dead flowers anyone?
Dead flowers anyone?
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Free Association
For your profound amusement,here are the first 20 tracks of my involuntary
inner DJ this morning in semi chronological order.
Don't ask me to explain them, I just report the news:
Nine Inch Nails:"Head Like A Hole"
Nick Lowe:"Cruel To Be Kind"
The Cure:"Killing An Arab"
Bowie:"Sons of the Silent Age"
The English Beat:"Save It For Later"
Duran Duran: "Planet Earth"
John Lennon:"Julia"
Replacements:"Anywhere Is Better Than Here"
Depeche Mode:"To Have And To Hold"
Elvis Costello:"Welcome to the Working Week"
Suicidal Tendencies:"Institutionalize"
Violent Femmes:"Add It Up"
Plimsouls:"A Million Miles Away"
Strawberry Alarm Clock:"Incense And Peppermints"
Pink Floyd:"Time"
Eagles:"Life In The Fast Lane"
Boomtown Rats:"She's So Modern"
Tori Amos:"Horses"
Linda Ronstadt:"Silver Threads and Golden Needles"
Coming soon: The story of my Neil Gaiman dream...
inner DJ this morning in semi chronological order.
Don't ask me to explain them, I just report the news:
Nine Inch Nails:"Head Like A Hole"
Nick Lowe:"Cruel To Be Kind"
The Cure:"Killing An Arab"
Bowie:"Sons of the Silent Age"
The English Beat:"Save It For Later"
Duran Duran: "Planet Earth"
John Lennon:"Julia"
Replacements:"Anywhere Is Better Than Here"
Depeche Mode:"To Have And To Hold"
Elvis Costello:"Welcome to the Working Week"
Suicidal Tendencies:"Institutionalize"
Violent Femmes:"Add It Up"
Plimsouls:"A Million Miles Away"
Strawberry Alarm Clock:"Incense And Peppermints"
Pink Floyd:"Time"
Eagles:"Life In The Fast Lane"
Boomtown Rats:"She's So Modern"
Tori Amos:"Horses"
Linda Ronstadt:"Silver Threads and Golden Needles"
Coming soon: The story of my Neil Gaiman dream...
Friday, May 14, 2004
Tarot Cards Of The Day
Eight of Swords (Interference): Chagrin at the unforeseen consequences of prior decisions. Criticism, censure, and the imposition of external restrictions. Confusion leading to powerlessness. Inability to focus on the crux of a problem and free oneself from a difficult situation. Being hamstrung by a past failure or humiliation.
Knight of Wands: The essence of fire, such a great conflagration. One filled with vitality and passion for life. An alluring and exciting person, daring in their actions, cocky in their attitude, and utterly without fear. Absolute sincerity, coupled with violent emotions that swing wildly from one extreme to another. Boundless creativity and lust for a change of both pace and place. The rapid approach, or more likely departure, of something that sets your world ablaze. Often suggests travel or escape.
Knight of Wands: The essence of fire, such a great conflagration. One filled with vitality and passion for life. An alluring and exciting person, daring in their actions, cocky in their attitude, and utterly without fear. Absolute sincerity, coupled with violent emotions that swing wildly from one extreme to another. Boundless creativity and lust for a change of both pace and place. The rapid approach, or more likely departure, of something that sets your world ablaze. Often suggests travel or escape.
Sometimes she's Persephone
Or just another Ophelia floating in the river
And she falls like morale
While he rises like dissent
All intent becomes meaningless as war
and laughable as justice
Everything given is a prayer left unanswered
And the only words left are empty metaphors
Every morning the Promethean heart regenerates
Lays poised on its sleeve for daily breaking
Down by the river's edge she waits for a reason
trails a finger in the icy waters
Flirts with inevitable endings
Sometimes you have to die again
To remember what it hurts like to live
Sometimes you can sleep a life away
Wake to the scents of vanilla,smoke and fear
Sounds of a ragged heartbeat and a song
that will lose its meaning
Sometimes a heart stops on a doorstop
By light of a half moon and fire on a mountain
And you let the ghost of it burn into memory
Follow the contours of phantom hands and hesitant touch
An echo of reluctant longing
and heartbreaking sincerity of regret
Etched into permanence like a beautiful nightmare
There are days when she sits by the river's edge
and thinks about sinking like a stone
becoming cold and dead again
Hoping someone will give her permission
You have to be careful what you wish for
One day he'll give the signal and she'll laugh
And slip beneath the waves like she was born to drown
Close her eyes and dream happy mermaid dreams
Hoping it'll take this time
She's always been so bad at dying
Back at the water's edge he lingers
Watches her drift out to sea and smiles
Thinks he's lucky to be free of her at last
Still, he must admit,she makes a very pretty corpse
He's glad that he thought to bring the camera
He gets lonely sometimes...
Or just another Ophelia floating in the river
And she falls like morale
While he rises like dissent
All intent becomes meaningless as war
and laughable as justice
Everything given is a prayer left unanswered
And the only words left are empty metaphors
Every morning the Promethean heart regenerates
Lays poised on its sleeve for daily breaking
Down by the river's edge she waits for a reason
trails a finger in the icy waters
Flirts with inevitable endings
Sometimes you have to die again
To remember what it hurts like to live
Sometimes you can sleep a life away
Wake to the scents of vanilla,smoke and fear
Sounds of a ragged heartbeat and a song
that will lose its meaning
Sometimes a heart stops on a doorstop
By light of a half moon and fire on a mountain
And you let the ghost of it burn into memory
Follow the contours of phantom hands and hesitant touch
An echo of reluctant longing
and heartbreaking sincerity of regret
Etched into permanence like a beautiful nightmare
There are days when she sits by the river's edge
and thinks about sinking like a stone
becoming cold and dead again
Hoping someone will give her permission
You have to be careful what you wish for
One day he'll give the signal and she'll laugh
And slip beneath the waves like she was born to drown
Close her eyes and dream happy mermaid dreams
Hoping it'll take this time
She's always been so bad at dying
Back at the water's edge he lingers
Watches her drift out to sea and smiles
Thinks he's lucky to be free of her at last
Still, he must admit,she makes a very pretty corpse
He's glad that he thought to bring the camera
He gets lonely sometimes...
A man deep in crisis turns to his bible for answers.
"Oh Lord." he intones "please bless me with your divine guidance, for I am
troubled and in need of your righteous counsel.
Please show me a sign."
Impatiently, he opens to a random passage and reads aloud.
"Judas hanged himself."
Grimly he laughs and kneels again in prayer.
"Oh, wise and great Holy Father, I am in need of further guidance.
I am but an ignorant sinner and do not understand the scriptures. Guide me
He turns to another random page. Closes his eyes and points.
"Oh, most Holy One, I shall obey the sacred word as is your will."
He looks down and reads again:
"Go thou and do likewise."
Sheepishly he grins and looks up at the heavens.
"Um, Lord? How about best out of three?"
"Oh Lord." he intones "please bless me with your divine guidance, for I am
troubled and in need of your righteous counsel.
Please show me a sign."
Impatiently, he opens to a random passage and reads aloud.
"Judas hanged himself."
Grimly he laughs and kneels again in prayer.
"Oh, wise and great Holy Father, I am in need of further guidance.
I am but an ignorant sinner and do not understand the scriptures. Guide me
He turns to another random page. Closes his eyes and points.
"Oh, most Holy One, I shall obey the sacred word as is your will."
He looks down and reads again:
"Go thou and do likewise."
Sheepishly he grins and looks up at the heavens.
"Um, Lord? How about best out of three?"
Thursday, May 13, 2004
The problem with the desert... that even if you found a bridge to jump off, there would only ever be dry concrete at the bottom.
Virtual Fortune Cookies Of The Day
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
Temptation usually comes in through a door that has deliberately been left open.
(They also have brainteasers on this site...)
Temptation usually comes in through a door that has deliberately been left open.
(They also have brainteasers on this site...)
It smells like a jam...
There's a Ceilidh brewing in a week or so. The 22nd to be more exact. Most of you know when and where. Otherwise, contact Lizzie or myself for details. They've been a blast so far, and everyone says third time's the charm...Plus we're thinking of adding a visual and interactive arts table for art and photography type exhibits. Maybe if someone would bring in a laptop, we could even do multimedia...or maybe not. Simple is always good too. Anyway, we have a piano and the acoustics are great. Clear your calendars already for goddess' sake!
Emerging from my cocoon like some sort of warped moth...
Offline for several hours, I panic and fear all my friends will think I'm
dead. Finally, I am connected. I have 24 new messages in my inbox. All of
them are spam. Way to stroke the old ego, eh? Strange to think that even
just a year or two ago I was completely out of touch with everyone and
didn't care. I had my family and other than that, my friends were books
and indie movies and Elvis Costello CDs. Going to the farmers market and
buying fresh tomatoes qualified as an "event." Window shopping at the mall
was a major outing. A box of donuts on a Sunday morning heralded a
celebration. I was sooo fucking boring. Not that there's anything wrong
with that. There are plenty of good things to be said about "voluntary
simplicity" and I love my family to pieces. But I was not happy.
Smart,creative people with moderate depressive tendencies are not well
advised to hole up and forsake the outside universe. I forgot I could be
worthwhile at all. I hadn't written anything in years and I was supposedly
such a great writer (according to the people I went to high school with
anyway, some of whom didn't even like me that much and still said it...) I
hadn't sung anywhere but in my car in over a decade. The closest I'd come
to "going out with friends" in years had been a rather disappointing
venture to a tacky comedy club with one of my Colorado mommy friends and a
chainsmoking, cackling, retired friend of her mother. The show consisted
of a Hispanic comedian making ethnic jokes and a female comedian making
"men sure are stupid" jokes. But I digress. My point is that I'm happy to
have gotten to the point where an empty inbox is something unusual. I'm so
glad to havemy old friends back and a few new ones and the guts to give
myself a shot at being alive again on some level. I love my girls more
than anything in the world, but I can see them benefitting from a mommy
with opinions and friends and outside interests. I take them out more
often than I used to. I'm more creative with them than I used to be. I
feel so much more capable than I did not long ago at all. And so, to my
friends old and new I say a long overdue "thank you" and also I offer an
apology for the times I've bugged the living crap out of some of you
because I was using my newly formed and/or newly recemented friendships as
a form of social prozac. And I vow to try and network a bit more until
someday I am at the point where I actually dread looking in my inbox
because there's too much correspondence awaiting me. Depression is
invasive and stultifying and sometimes the best way to overcome it isn't
pills and therapy but flat out getting the hell out of the house and doing
something slightly different for a while. And I swear to you all I will
grow less annoying with time :)
Corbid the still slightly dull
dead. Finally, I am connected. I have 24 new messages in my inbox. All of
them are spam. Way to stroke the old ego, eh? Strange to think that even
just a year or two ago I was completely out of touch with everyone and
didn't care. I had my family and other than that, my friends were books
and indie movies and Elvis Costello CDs. Going to the farmers market and
buying fresh tomatoes qualified as an "event." Window shopping at the mall
was a major outing. A box of donuts on a Sunday morning heralded a
celebration. I was sooo fucking boring. Not that there's anything wrong
with that. There are plenty of good things to be said about "voluntary
simplicity" and I love my family to pieces. But I was not happy.
Smart,creative people with moderate depressive tendencies are not well
advised to hole up and forsake the outside universe. I forgot I could be
worthwhile at all. I hadn't written anything in years and I was supposedly
such a great writer (according to the people I went to high school with
anyway, some of whom didn't even like me that much and still said it...) I
hadn't sung anywhere but in my car in over a decade. The closest I'd come
to "going out with friends" in years had been a rather disappointing
venture to a tacky comedy club with one of my Colorado mommy friends and a
chainsmoking, cackling, retired friend of her mother. The show consisted
of a Hispanic comedian making ethnic jokes and a female comedian making
"men sure are stupid" jokes. But I digress. My point is that I'm happy to
have gotten to the point where an empty inbox is something unusual. I'm so
glad to havemy old friends back and a few new ones and the guts to give
myself a shot at being alive again on some level. I love my girls more
than anything in the world, but I can see them benefitting from a mommy
with opinions and friends and outside interests. I take them out more
often than I used to. I'm more creative with them than I used to be. I
feel so much more capable than I did not long ago at all. And so, to my
friends old and new I say a long overdue "thank you" and also I offer an
apology for the times I've bugged the living crap out of some of you
because I was using my newly formed and/or newly recemented friendships as
a form of social prozac. And I vow to try and network a bit more until
someday I am at the point where I actually dread looking in my inbox
because there's too much correspondence awaiting me. Depression is
invasive and stultifying and sometimes the best way to overcome it isn't
pills and therapy but flat out getting the hell out of the house and doing
something slightly different for a while. And I swear to you all I will
grow less annoying with time :)
Corbid the still slightly dull
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
According to Blogger...
This is post #319 of this blog. If not always charming or relevant, I can at least now claim to be prolific, eh? This week being no different. I've recently posted to every aspect of the realm, so by all means please follow the links below to my other blogs my dearies...
The things you never asked for are the things you can't seem to shake
When you were a cold and dead thing
You'd have died again for a taste of prescience
And now you are almost always real
And it hurts just to breathe
It hurts just to laugh sometimes
You know that every small joy
Comes at a price
That flowers are just a thing made for dying
And sweetness grows acrid after a time
And you long to be so cold again
To close your eyes and wish it all away
It used to be that easy
Once upon a time
When you were a cold and dead thing
You'd have died again for a taste of prescience
And now you are almost always real
And it hurts just to breathe
It hurts just to laugh sometimes
You know that every small joy
Comes at a price
That flowers are just a thing made for dying
And sweetness grows acrid after a time
And you long to be so cold again
To close your eyes and wish it all away
It used to be that easy
Once upon a time
Tarot Cards of the Day
The Hierophant:Also known as the Pope, the Hierophant representative of the need to follow tradition, ceremony or a path of ideas and beliefs, even if they are outdated. This card can represent any structured group with rules and assigned roles. It could be interpreted as a need for group/mentored learning or the need to conform or change the rules. The Hierophant also represents an interest in spiritual matters, or a spiritual mentor
The Lovers:
The Lovers represent that the seeker is at a crossroads where a moral decision must be made. You must know yourself because making the right decision could mean going against what others tell you. The Lovers can symbolize a deep love or a powerful drawing together of two entities, be it people, ideas, events, etc.
The Lovers:
The Lovers represent that the seeker is at a crossroads where a moral decision must be made. You must know yourself because making the right decision could mean going against what others tell you. The Lovers can symbolize a deep love or a powerful drawing together of two entities, be it people, ideas, events, etc.
Genius Invention of the Week...
Defrost a box of cheap hash brown patties in the fridge!
C'mon, I dare ya!
Makes for insanely easy breakfast burritos and potato pancakes and it's way cheaper than those "Simply Potato" things and much easier than precooking them yourself and potatos are like the food of all perfection as it is...
C'mon, I dare ya!
Makes for insanely easy breakfast burritos and potato pancakes and it's way cheaper than those "Simply Potato" things and much easier than precooking them yourself and potatos are like the food of all perfection as it is...
Orpheus entreating the Lord of the Underworld...
He sings to Hades and Persephone and all assembled there, entreating them to release his beloved from the realm of Death as follows:
[Orpheus in Hades: OVID, Metamorphoses, Book X, 1-106]
As he sang these tender strains, the very ghosts shed tears. Tantalus, in spite of his thirst, stopped for a moment his efforts for water, Ixion's wheel stood still, the vulture ceased to tear the giant's liver, the daughters of Danaus rested from their task of drawing water in a sieve, and Sisyphus sat on his rock to listen. Then for the first time, it is said, the cheeks of the Furies were wet with tears. Proserpine could not resist, and Pluto himself gave way. Eurydice was called. She came from among the new-arrived ghosts, limping with her wounded foot. Orpheus was permitted to take her away with him on one condition, that he should not turn around to look at her till they should have reached the upper air. Under this condition they proceeded on their way, he leading, she following, through passages dark and steep, in total silence, till they had nearly reached the outlet into the cheerful upper world, when Orpheus, in a moment of forgetfulness, to assure himself that she was still following, cast a glance behind him, when instantly she was borne away. Stretching out their arms to embrace each other, they grasped only the air! Dying now a second time, she yet cannot reproach her husband, for how can she blame his impatience to behold her? "Farewell," she said, "a last farewell,"- and was hurried away, so fast that the sound hardly reached his ears.
[Orpheus in Hades: OVID, Metamorphoses, Book X, 1-106]
Vagueries of Nightmare
Dreamt I was trying so,so hard to get it right, that it was my last chance at something, but I don't know what...if I screwed up I'd have to go back to the scene if the crime...the backseat of the car, the impact, trying to get up, maybe this time it wouldn't work and I'd sever my spine or fall over dead on the spot...I could almost feel the pain again...not even childbirth hurts that much...there I was being punished again and I don't know what for...sometimes I think my whole life's been a test, and I keep failing, and you only get so many of these days I'm afraid going to wake up dead...
My Coloring Book Of Days...
My days are now organized by food events. Mondays is two for one hoagie
day. Tuesday is ninety nine cent leg and thigh chicken day. Wednesday is
discount bagel day. Thursday is Semolina bread day. Friday through Sunday
are the weekend and don't count. Both my eating habits and my whereabouts at
any given time are somewhat subject to the above formula.
Today was both discount bagel day and 10:15 storytime at the library, so
Sarah and I were out and about at an early hour. Dropped Maggie off at
school, swung by the only gas station where I can safely pay cash without
having to remove the baby form her carseat, and headed for the bagel
purveyor of choice. Bought a dozen bagels and some lemonade from a manager
who resembled a disgruntled Ricky Ricardo. He insisted that since it was a
discount dozen, it could only be 12 and not a "baker's dozen." That if I
wanted 13 bagels I'd have to pay full price. Then he tried to charge me $1.
99 for a 12 oz lemonade. When I pointed out that the sign said it was $1.39,
he sighed and rolled his eyes and said "Well it's really $1.99, but if you'
re gonna complain I guess we can give it for $1.39 this time. But only
because of the sign." As though I knew all the secret prices for things and
was actively trying to rip him off
We sat outside, adjacent to the designated old-man-dining-alone-table (the
table went through three of them successively before we were done, which
means we eat even more slowly than old men) and split a blueberry bagel and
our drink. Sarah finished every bite with the exclamation "Mmm! Dat's GOOD!"
in her sweet little baby voice. She smiled and preened and charmed her her
elderly admirers, then threw bagel chunks to nearby birds. Eventually we
finished and I packed her into the car with a bribe of paper and crayon. And
so we set off for the public library.
Storytime began with coloring time and Sarah did a very lovely job of
sharing crayons with all around her. Or rather distributing crayons
according to her whims. Eventually she had the whole tray in her possession
and put herself in charge of doling them out as she saw fit. Mommy's little
tyrant. When actual storytime began, she looked around the room and got a
little bit freaked out and hid under a table. Eventually I lured her out
with more crayons and paper. She finally warmed up to the idea when they had
"rainbow time" where they shook little paper plates with streamers attached
and the middles cut out. She didn't want to leave after that, and hummed the
"rainbow song" all the way home.
So that was our fun for today. Now we are home and offline still after
something like 18 hours. God knows when I will eventually get to post this.
Tomorrow will be bread day and probably running around the used bookstore
handing out toys to other children day. Clever mommy has learned to set up
camp in the children's area with a pile of magazines. On a good day we're
there for a while and I get half the stack read before we leave, thus saving
me the need to ever purchase them. If I'm ambitious and wee goosie can
behave herself we may even venture a trip to the movies on Friday before
school lets out. She is so much fun in the mornings these days. Nighttime
being another story. Night time is tantrum city. But perfection eludes us
all, right?
Farewell from mommyland!
day. Tuesday is ninety nine cent leg and thigh chicken day. Wednesday is
discount bagel day. Thursday is Semolina bread day. Friday through Sunday
are the weekend and don't count. Both my eating habits and my whereabouts at
any given time are somewhat subject to the above formula.
Today was both discount bagel day and 10:15 storytime at the library, so
Sarah and I were out and about at an early hour. Dropped Maggie off at
school, swung by the only gas station where I can safely pay cash without
having to remove the baby form her carseat, and headed for the bagel
purveyor of choice. Bought a dozen bagels and some lemonade from a manager
who resembled a disgruntled Ricky Ricardo. He insisted that since it was a
discount dozen, it could only be 12 and not a "baker's dozen." That if I
wanted 13 bagels I'd have to pay full price. Then he tried to charge me $1.
99 for a 12 oz lemonade. When I pointed out that the sign said it was $1.39,
he sighed and rolled his eyes and said "Well it's really $1.99, but if you'
re gonna complain I guess we can give it for $1.39 this time. But only
because of the sign." As though I knew all the secret prices for things and
was actively trying to rip him off
We sat outside, adjacent to the designated old-man-dining-alone-table (the
table went through three of them successively before we were done, which
means we eat even more slowly than old men) and split a blueberry bagel and
our drink. Sarah finished every bite with the exclamation "Mmm! Dat's GOOD!"
in her sweet little baby voice. She smiled and preened and charmed her her
elderly admirers, then threw bagel chunks to nearby birds. Eventually we
finished and I packed her into the car with a bribe of paper and crayon. And
so we set off for the public library.
Storytime began with coloring time and Sarah did a very lovely job of
sharing crayons with all around her. Or rather distributing crayons
according to her whims. Eventually she had the whole tray in her possession
and put herself in charge of doling them out as she saw fit. Mommy's little
tyrant. When actual storytime began, she looked around the room and got a
little bit freaked out and hid under a table. Eventually I lured her out
with more crayons and paper. She finally warmed up to the idea when they had
"rainbow time" where they shook little paper plates with streamers attached
and the middles cut out. She didn't want to leave after that, and hummed the
"rainbow song" all the way home.
So that was our fun for today. Now we are home and offline still after
something like 18 hours. God knows when I will eventually get to post this.
Tomorrow will be bread day and probably running around the used bookstore
handing out toys to other children day. Clever mommy has learned to set up
camp in the children's area with a pile of magazines. On a good day we're
there for a while and I get half the stack read before we leave, thus saving
me the need to ever purchase them. If I'm ambitious and wee goosie can
behave herself we may even venture a trip to the movies on Friday before
school lets out. She is so much fun in the mornings these days. Nighttime
being another story. Night time is tantrum city. But perfection eludes us
all, right?
Farewell from mommyland!
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
A Public Service Announcement on your behalf...
For those of you infrequent Blogger users out there (you know who you are) try signing in just for fun. There've been some major updates for the better that you may have some fun playing with...
And again, thanks to all who offered me birthday wishes or otherwise feted me on the occasion. And the tulips are STILL alive (corrupted Tori Amos lyric "...but she couldn't keep tulips alive...") Lizzie keeps overestimating me and giving me living things to care for in spite of the fact that I only seem to be good at growing humans :) If you haven't heard the story of the two platties and the neon tetra, well you probably don't want to. It's most gruesome and reflects me in a rather poor light. But I'm determined to try and keep these tulips alive for a decent interval. We shall just have to wait and see...
And again, thanks to all who offered me birthday wishes or otherwise feted me on the occasion. And the tulips are STILL alive (corrupted Tori Amos lyric "...but she couldn't keep tulips alive...") Lizzie keeps overestimating me and giving me living things to care for in spite of the fact that I only seem to be good at growing humans :) If you haven't heard the story of the two platties and the neon tetra, well you probably don't want to. It's most gruesome and reflects me in a rather poor light. But I'm determined to try and keep these tulips alive for a decent interval. We shall just have to wait and see...
Monday, May 10, 2004
Hitting the links once more...
For your most profound amusement...
The Worst Romance Novel Covers of the Year...
"Adult Chritianity: the antidote to the Christian Right"
And as always...McSweeney's
The Worst Romance Novel Covers of the Year...
"Adult Chritianity: the antidote to the Christian Right"
And as always...McSweeney's
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Rider Waite Cards of the day
Knight of Pentacles: The essence of earth behaving as fire, such as molten magma: One slow to action, but decisive and unrelenting once set in motion.
The Star: New hopes and splendid revelations of the future. Insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self. Body and mind and converging towards the light at the end of a dark time.
The Star: New hopes and splendid revelations of the future. Insight, inspiration, courage and enlightenment of the spiritual self. Body and mind and converging towards the light at the end of a dark time.
William Blake Tarot Celtic Cross Spread: birthday edition
The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most popular Tarot spreads, providing varied insight into many aspects of a complex situation and your role in it. The William Blake Tarot explores the mystical vision and artistry of the renowned English painter and poet. Through rich interpretations focused on creative undertakings, it has long been the deck of choice for artists, writers, musicians, and thinkers.
The card not shown but at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. Man of Painting: Getting on top of practical aspects of the situation. Taking a pragmatic outlook at what needs to be done. Using calm and caution in a highly charged situation. Taking a conservative yet colorful and personal approach. Total concentration on the task at hand. Bathing in the light of life. Not holding back from direct experience. In the creative process: Test and refine your ideas or product to see if it works as planned; be practical yet innovative.
The card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way - it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. Woman of Science: Seeking out pertinent data. Methodical approach to a problem. Looking within yourself for answers. Upholding truth. Counseling others. Forming opinions based on observation and deduction. Weighing abstract ideas. Avoiding personal involvement. Demonstrating principles. Self-discipline. Be cautious of becoming opinionated or over-professional. In the creative process: Now is the time to research and gather information, get an overview, and make long-range plans and strategies.
The card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. Whirlwind, when reversed: Winds of change make old visions obsolete. An act of god or stroke of bad luck. Inner turmoil cleverly disguised but unrestrained. Getting the run-around. Reaching a turning point. A good time to honor your gods.
The card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which the situation is based. Stars, when reversed: Loss of hope. Feeling disconnected from cosmic or universal energies. Failure to realize the highest potential of your situation. Being out of touch with your own creative powers. Lack of self-esteem. Your abilities going unrecognized. Being restrained from doing your own thing.
The card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something to be released. Angel of Painting, when reversed: Visionary reverie. Plans and agendas lost in wild flights of imagination. Action taken without contemplation. Making use of inappropriate tools. Diving into the situation without vision or foresight, particularly its physical or material aspects. In the creative process: Look for or contemplate a solid idea, a practical point of view that can instigate a whole new direction in your work or project.
The card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced. Mystery, when reversed: An enigma that resists inner wisdom. Unexplained or mysterious energies at work. Issues of sexuality. Feeling yourself at the mercy of the divine trickster. Dark omens and portents. Attraction to or advice from a wise man.
The card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. Forgiveness, when reversed: Unwillingness to learn from mistakes. Magnifying errors out of proportion. Refusal to hear the inner voice. Lack of forgiveness and compassion.
The card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. Lightning: An unexpected shock, upheaval, or stunning event. A burst of insight, or spiritual breakthrough. A close call. Release or liberation of energy.
The card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. Experience: Wanting to be in control of your instincts, emotions, or elemental forces. Taking the reins in the situation. Goal-oriented drive to succeed. Journeys or involvement with motion and mobility. Meeting challenges head on.
The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Six of Music (Pleasure): "...we cannot experience pleasure but by means of others...". Being the center of attention. Receiving support from teamwork or group action. Satisfaction deriving from family, friends, colleagues. Participation in a social or community endeavor. Reunion. Keen awareness of the dance of life. Forging links and bonds with others. Experiencing a sense of belonging. Nostalgia and happy memories. In the creative process: Make use of collective or group energies, bringing them together for maximum benefit and mutual enjoyment
The card not shown but at the center of the cross, represents the atmosphere surrounding the central issue. Man of Painting: Getting on top of practical aspects of the situation. Taking a pragmatic outlook at what needs to be done. Using calm and caution in a highly charged situation. Taking a conservative yet colorful and personal approach. Total concentration on the task at hand. Bathing in the light of life. Not holding back from direct experience. In the creative process: Test and refine your ideas or product to see if it works as planned; be practical yet innovative.
The card visible at the center of the cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way - it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually to your benefit. Woman of Science: Seeking out pertinent data. Methodical approach to a problem. Looking within yourself for answers. Upholding truth. Counseling others. Forming opinions based on observation and deduction. Weighing abstract ideas. Avoiding personal involvement. Demonstrating principles. Self-discipline. Be cautious of becoming opinionated or over-professional. In the creative process: Now is the time to research and gather information, get an overview, and make long-range plans and strategies.
The card at the top of the cross represents your goal, or the best you can achieve without a dramatic change of priorities. Whirlwind, when reversed: Winds of change make old visions obsolete. An act of god or stroke of bad luck. Inner turmoil cleverly disguised but unrestrained. Getting the run-around. Reaching a turning point. A good time to honor your gods.
The card at the bottom of the cross represents the foundation on which the situation is based. Stars, when reversed: Loss of hope. Feeling disconnected from cosmic or universal energies. Failure to realize the highest potential of your situation. Being out of touch with your own creative powers. Lack of self-esteem. Your abilities going unrecognized. Being restrained from doing your own thing.
The card at the left of the cross represents a passing influence or something to be released. Angel of Painting, when reversed: Visionary reverie. Plans and agendas lost in wild flights of imagination. Action taken without contemplation. Making use of inappropriate tools. Diving into the situation without vision or foresight, particularly its physical or material aspects. In the creative process: Look for or contemplate a solid idea, a practical point of view that can instigate a whole new direction in your work or project.
The card at the right of the cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced. Mystery, when reversed: An enigma that resists inner wisdom. Unexplained or mysterious energies at work. Issues of sexuality. Feeling yourself at the mercy of the divine trickster. Dark omens and portents. Attraction to or advice from a wise man.
The card at the base of the staff represents your role or attitude. Forgiveness, when reversed: Unwillingness to learn from mistakes. Magnifying errors out of proportion. Refusal to hear the inner voice. Lack of forgiveness and compassion.
The card second from the bottom of the staff represents your environment and the people you are interacting with. Lightning: An unexpected shock, upheaval, or stunning event. A burst of insight, or spiritual breakthrough. A close call. Release or liberation of energy.
The card second from the top of the staff represents your hopes, fears, or an unexpected element that will come into play. Experience: Wanting to be in control of your instincts, emotions, or elemental forces. Taking the reins in the situation. Goal-oriented drive to succeed. Journeys or involvement with motion and mobility. Meeting challenges head on.
The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Six of Music (Pleasure): "...we cannot experience pleasure but by means of others...". Being the center of attention. Receiving support from teamwork or group action. Satisfaction deriving from family, friends, colleagues. Participation in a social or community endeavor. Reunion. Keen awareness of the dance of life. Forging links and bonds with others. Experiencing a sense of belonging. Nostalgia and happy memories. In the creative process: Make use of collective or group energies, bringing them together for maximum benefit and mutual enjoyment
It's my birthday and I'll quote Bowie if I want to...
"Time is waiting in the wings, it speaks of senseless things ...we should be old by now..."
Lalala, I don't feel any older than I did yesterday. Give it time. My darling eldest girl toasted me with a desktop background of "birthday bear" and a gif of a chocolate cake with one candle. Cause that's how she says "I love you." My sister got me a gift certificate for a "chocolate manicure." Where they give you chocolates and all the treatments are chocolate scented. Thus combining my love of candy with a fix for my tragic lack of fingernail grooming. I'm getting a "surprise" present shortly. So far, no Thackery Lambshead, though.
Can't have everything, right? And now I've lived past thirty, so I can't be a tragic poet/novelist ala Sylvia Plath or Virginia Wolf. Sigh. Alas, one by one, all our teenage dreams go unrealized...
Corbid the Elder
Lalala, I don't feel any older than I did yesterday. Give it time. My darling eldest girl toasted me with a desktop background of "birthday bear" and a gif of a chocolate cake with one candle. Cause that's how she says "I love you." My sister got me a gift certificate for a "chocolate manicure." Where they give you chocolates and all the treatments are chocolate scented. Thus combining my love of candy with a fix for my tragic lack of fingernail grooming. I'm getting a "surprise" present shortly. So far, no Thackery Lambshead, though.
Can't have everything, right? And now I've lived past thirty, so I can't be a tragic poet/novelist ala Sylvia Plath or Virginia Wolf. Sigh. Alas, one by one, all our teenage dreams go unrealized...
Corbid the Elder
Friday, May 07, 2004
Rambling and begging for birthday wishes...
Tommorrow's my birthday. And I'm turning 31. And I don't care about age where it relates to anyone else, but still I feel old. Then again, when I turned twenty I cried, because I'd missed my chance to be a child prodigy. I'm just an odd bird, I guess. Anyway, cheer me up and send me some damned birthday wishes if you're up to it. I know it's shameless, but I'll take what I can get right now. In exchange for which I shall treat you all to a deluxed sized post. And if you're feeling generous, you could always get me this...
This is me grating on your conscience...
Kurt Vonnegut is alive and well and wanting to comment on the criminality of the war in Iraq.
Quote of the Week:
Bookslut columnist Adrienne Martini describing the increasing commonality of works of "speculative fiction" ie. works that fail to fit neatly into one genre or the other, but rather to ethe line between "literature" and the realms of horror,fantasy, science fiction,etc.
Says Ms Martini: "The books are remarkable, much in the same way Todd Haynes’s Velvet Goldmine is, but without the glam rock and Ewan McGregor’s penis."
"Velvet Goldmine" also being the film that finally prompted my husband to beg me not to "bring home any more gay heroin movies, please."
Apparently, Friday Five has bitten the dust once and for all. Archives and all.
My baby was born to dance:
She has does the twist and tosses her head like a little punkette and has disco moves, etc,etc.
It all depends on the music. Also, she loves seventies folk rock for some reason: Don Maclean, The Eagles, even the friggn Ozark Mountain Daredevils as well as female vocalists of the Tori and Thea Gilmore variety, and Celtic Music in general (The Pogueier the better). Right now, though, we're listening to Modern Rock Classics on and she's kind of swaying and peacedancing down the hallway to the Soup Dragons. That's my girl. Now the song has changed and it's (gasp) Echo and The Bunnymen's "The Killing Moon." If there were a baby equivalent of a lighter held aloft at a rock concert, she would be waving one right now. This one may well be getting guitar lessons someday (when sh'es a rock star someday, her tech savant big sister can design her website.) My girls rock, it is an unmitigated fact.
Took the baby to breakfast today and engaged in a bit of people watching (translation:benevolent eavesdropping.)
Amongs me was a table of long out of touch relatives regathering after a funeral, relating how the event had brought a long lost sibling back into the fold and celebrating the pragmatism of the departed family matriarch as well as anecdotes about her attorney husband's penchant for long, drawn out, heated debates about politics and religion, as well as the splendor of their old, big house, full of passageways where grandchildren could hide indefinitely. Then the conversation abruptly changed to how Dick Clark seemed rather rude when a friend met him in person. At which point I sequed to the conversation at the next table, a mother and her three daughters and baby grandchild gathered to greet one of the sisters who was visiting from out of down. The out of town daughter was complaining about how her mother in law had micromanaged her visit within an inch of its life, and apologizing that she wouldn't see more of her sisters while here. Then my attention was drawn to a hostess whispering to a waiter "I can't wait on that table, I know that girl from high school..."
Much more entertaining than morning television, and in the meantime, my little girl devoured a blueberry muffin,colored a wee masterpiece on her children's menu, and flirted with a nearby toddler of indeterminate gender who had a striped shirt and a miniature afro and one of the ten most gorgeous smiles I've ever seen on an infant.
I'm a geek beyond reckoning:
I still love the song "Pretty In Pink" by the Psychedelic Furs.
Went to Cost Plus today and was shocked at the prices, but then realized my mental price list for the place was set in stone somewhere circa 1996, and I am shocked whenver I come in. Relatively speaking, most of their stuff is still an amazingly good deal. Bought instant espresso and sandalwood soap, and some weird little Hello Kitty biscuit sticks that you dip in strawberry frosting for the girls. They taste like sweet pretzels. Restrained myself from the beer aisle and the candy aisle and the spices aisle. I should get an award or something.
Time to actually play with my wee girl before I have to pick up her sister from school and now that the Wiggles are over. Likely this post will grow longer as the day progresses...
Corbid the no longer Precocious
This is me grating on your conscience...
Kurt Vonnegut is alive and well and wanting to comment on the criminality of the war in Iraq.
Quote of the Week:
Bookslut columnist Adrienne Martini describing the increasing commonality of works of "speculative fiction" ie. works that fail to fit neatly into one genre or the other, but rather to ethe line between "literature" and the realms of horror,fantasy, science fiction,etc.
Says Ms Martini: "The books are remarkable, much in the same way Todd Haynes’s Velvet Goldmine is, but without the glam rock and Ewan McGregor’s penis."
"Velvet Goldmine" also being the film that finally prompted my husband to beg me not to "bring home any more gay heroin movies, please."
Apparently, Friday Five has bitten the dust once and for all. Archives and all.
My baby was born to dance:
She has does the twist and tosses her head like a little punkette and has disco moves, etc,etc.
It all depends on the music. Also, she loves seventies folk rock for some reason: Don Maclean, The Eagles, even the friggn Ozark Mountain Daredevils as well as female vocalists of the Tori and Thea Gilmore variety, and Celtic Music in general (The Pogueier the better). Right now, though, we're listening to Modern Rock Classics on and she's kind of swaying and peacedancing down the hallway to the Soup Dragons. That's my girl. Now the song has changed and it's (gasp) Echo and The Bunnymen's "The Killing Moon." If there were a baby equivalent of a lighter held aloft at a rock concert, she would be waving one right now. This one may well be getting guitar lessons someday (when sh'es a rock star someday, her tech savant big sister can design her website.) My girls rock, it is an unmitigated fact.
Took the baby to breakfast today and engaged in a bit of people watching (translation:benevolent eavesdropping.)
Amongs me was a table of long out of touch relatives regathering after a funeral, relating how the event had brought a long lost sibling back into the fold and celebrating the pragmatism of the departed family matriarch as well as anecdotes about her attorney husband's penchant for long, drawn out, heated debates about politics and religion, as well as the splendor of their old, big house, full of passageways where grandchildren could hide indefinitely. Then the conversation abruptly changed to how Dick Clark seemed rather rude when a friend met him in person. At which point I sequed to the conversation at the next table, a mother and her three daughters and baby grandchild gathered to greet one of the sisters who was visiting from out of down. The out of town daughter was complaining about how her mother in law had micromanaged her visit within an inch of its life, and apologizing that she wouldn't see more of her sisters while here. Then my attention was drawn to a hostess whispering to a waiter "I can't wait on that table, I know that girl from high school..."
Much more entertaining than morning television, and in the meantime, my little girl devoured a blueberry muffin,colored a wee masterpiece on her children's menu, and flirted with a nearby toddler of indeterminate gender who had a striped shirt and a miniature afro and one of the ten most gorgeous smiles I've ever seen on an infant.
I'm a geek beyond reckoning:
I still love the song "Pretty In Pink" by the Psychedelic Furs.
Went to Cost Plus today and was shocked at the prices, but then realized my mental price list for the place was set in stone somewhere circa 1996, and I am shocked whenver I come in. Relatively speaking, most of their stuff is still an amazingly good deal. Bought instant espresso and sandalwood soap, and some weird little Hello Kitty biscuit sticks that you dip in strawberry frosting for the girls. They taste like sweet pretzels. Restrained myself from the beer aisle and the candy aisle and the spices aisle. I should get an award or something.
Time to actually play with my wee girl before I have to pick up her sister from school and now that the Wiggles are over. Likely this post will grow longer as the day progresses...
Corbid the no longer Precocious
Thursday, May 06, 2004
And now, without further ado...
It's ...
The Literary Simpsons.
Also, the fabulous Ms. Lizzie Stardust has returned to the blogging community...
The Literary Simpsons.
Also, the fabulous Ms. Lizzie Stardust has returned to the blogging community...
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Donald in the tiger's den...
So the girls and I are at the zoo. And we're standing in front of an exhibit. Behind the glass are two large, beautiful asian tigers lounging on the grass in front of a spectacular simulated waterfall.The baby gets very excited and starts pointing animatedly.
"Look,look!" she shouts.
"Yes, that's a tiger, sweetie. Can you say tiger?"
"Look, a duck!"
And there was indeed a bird by the pond. Not an actual duck, more ravenish than duckish, but close enough for her.
This continued throughout our visit. Any birdlike creature anywhere near a pond was a "duck" and the exotic animals to whom the ponds belonged were considered mere windowdressing in an ongoing parade of ducklike creatures. When we finally got to the actual duck area, it was rather anticlimactic for her, to tell the truth.
"Look,look!" she shouts.
"Yes, that's a tiger, sweetie. Can you say tiger?"
"Look, a duck!"
And there was indeed a bird by the pond. Not an actual duck, more ravenish than duckish, but close enough for her.
This continued throughout our visit. Any birdlike creature anywhere near a pond was a "duck" and the exotic animals to whom the ponds belonged were considered mere windowdressing in an ongoing parade of ducklike creatures. When we finally got to the actual duck area, it was rather anticlimactic for her, to tell the truth.
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
And the prize of the week for most appropriate use of the word "phantasmagorical"in an online news article goes to...
...this Guardian story aboutThe Ghost Train.
Help, I'm dyeing...
It's been a rit dye and henna kind of day. I cheaped out and tried to put too many clothes in at once, so they were just grey. So then I had to sacrifice my brown dye in an attempt to rectify the problem. Which resulted in a very cool shade of purple with grey undertones. SO I'm keeping about half the clothes that turned out that way, then going back for more black dye for the rest. Once my hair's finished marinating, that is. That, thank goddess, I finally have down to somewhat of a science. Decided to spend my birthday money rejuvenating things I have instead of buying new shite. I may be getting older, but my stuff will have a new lease on life, at least.
Yes, it's going to be my birthday. Saturday. The 8th. The 9th being Mother's Day (that way this becomes a public service announcement instead of a shameless plea to be wished "Happy Birthday."
Yes, it's going to be my birthday. Saturday. The 8th. The 9th being Mother's Day (that way this becomes a public service announcement instead of a shameless plea to be wished "Happy Birthday."
Monday, May 03, 2004
More mything links
Pagan and geek humour at last combined: the anti-spam Wiccan ritual page.
Runes of the Day: "maintaining the status quo"
Thurisaz (reversed)
(Also called Thorn; Letter: TH; Old Norse name: Thurs)
Thurisaz is a very ancient name for Thor, so it's not surprising that it is a most powerful rune. Thurisaz can be used and interpreted as a protection rune. Plants grow thorns to protect themselves, so the logic is clear. Drawing a ring of Thurisaz runes around something is an excellent protection spell. However, Thurisaz has a dark side. After all, thorns protect by pricking and drawing blood. One should step carefully with this rune and treat it respectfully. It can backfire just as easily as it can work for you. In a reading, Thurisaz upright stands as a warning to the querent, especially if the querent is acting as though his run of good luck is neverending. Thurisaz often suggests that the querent is being wrongheaded about the issue at hand, and advises the querent to maintain status quo until the period indicated by the runecast is over. Thurisaz reversed means much the same thing as it does upright, except that the querent may be much more difficult to counsel, much more stubborn and unwilling to heed Thurisaz's warning.
(Also called Nied; Letter: N; Old Norse name: Naudr)
Another somewhat negative rune, the meaning of Nauthiz is apparent in its other spelling, Nied-pronounced "need." When Nauthiz appears in a reading, it almost always indicates something that the querent needs. What that something is will often be spelled out in the surrounding runes. Most important, though, is that until the querent does something about this need, she will be restricted or constrained from moving forward. Sometimes Nauthiz will appear as a warning of upcoming trouble, delay, ill health, or shortage of some kind, and because of this, Nauthiz can be interpreted to mean "maintain the status quo." As a result rune, Nauthiz indicates that the querent will get what she wanted, but what she wanted may not have been what she needed, and the situation may continue. Nauthiz is associated with Skuld, the Norn of the future.
(Also called Thorn; Letter: TH; Old Norse name: Thurs)
Thurisaz is a very ancient name for Thor, so it's not surprising that it is a most powerful rune. Thurisaz can be used and interpreted as a protection rune. Plants grow thorns to protect themselves, so the logic is clear. Drawing a ring of Thurisaz runes around something is an excellent protection spell. However, Thurisaz has a dark side. After all, thorns protect by pricking and drawing blood. One should step carefully with this rune and treat it respectfully. It can backfire just as easily as it can work for you. In a reading, Thurisaz upright stands as a warning to the querent, especially if the querent is acting as though his run of good luck is neverending. Thurisaz often suggests that the querent is being wrongheaded about the issue at hand, and advises the querent to maintain status quo until the period indicated by the runecast is over. Thurisaz reversed means much the same thing as it does upright, except that the querent may be much more difficult to counsel, much more stubborn and unwilling to heed Thurisaz's warning.
(Also called Nied; Letter: N; Old Norse name: Naudr)
Another somewhat negative rune, the meaning of Nauthiz is apparent in its other spelling, Nied-pronounced "need." When Nauthiz appears in a reading, it almost always indicates something that the querent needs. What that something is will often be spelled out in the surrounding runes. Most important, though, is that until the querent does something about this need, she will be restricted or constrained from moving forward. Sometimes Nauthiz will appear as a warning of upcoming trouble, delay, ill health, or shortage of some kind, and because of this, Nauthiz can be interpreted to mean "maintain the status quo." As a result rune, Nauthiz indicates that the querent will get what she wanted, but what she wanted may not have been what she needed, and the situation may continue. Nauthiz is associated with Skuld, the Norn of the future.
This is too cool!
A flash animation based site devoted to world Creation Myths.
An actual review of an actual book.
Just stumbled across a website for The Alphabet vs The Goddess, which is a book that I read recently on the topic of Matriarchy vs. Patriarchy, and whether the shift from Goddess centered fertility cults to male Warrior God based religions had to do with the shift from pictorial and iconic forms of "writing" and expression to the use of a phonetic alphabet. Which is kind of an odd possibility, considering women tend to be more verbal and are generally found to be more capable of mastering the subtleites of literacy, whereas men respond more easily to visual stimuli and videographic type images. But what do I know, I'm no brain surgeon. And the author of this book is. Literally. A brain surgeon. Dr. Leonard Shlain. He in fact developed his theory partly based on his knowledge of the differences in function between the two hemispheres of the brain.
In any case, this is a very interesting book, rife with interesting minutiae in the realms of cultural history and sociology, et al. One learns such things as that while our nearest primate cousins are still somewhat polygamous, human societies became prone to pair off as a sort of "sex for meat" exchange. The point is made that the current trend toward greater status and independence for women has coincided with the refinement of the photographic image. This is a varied and interesting little tour through several centuries of progress in the arts and humanities. But ultimately I feel he fails to adequately prove his point. I failed to encounter any evidence that was non anecdotal in format. I realize this was hardly an academic treatise or anything, but still, aren't doctors supposed to be scientists? I expect scientists to support their proposals with factual evidence and not interesting coincidences. But it was an entertaining read nonetheless.
For something in a similar vein, but better researched, I'd suggest Mother Nature : A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection, by anthropologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, which explores the biological motivations of human parenting and sexual behaviors in the contexts of both history and evolution. Hrdy being one of those rare individuals who has mastered their field of expertise (in this case anthropology) and is able to write about it as if she were a writer first and foremost. Much in the tradition of Carl Sagan.
Another little gem, not so meticulously researched, and with a a bit of an unapologetic femisit bias, but well argued and most enlightening is The Myths Of Motherhood by Shari L. Thurer. It examines attitudes throughout the centuries in regards to what makes "a good mother." I read it while pregnant, as a counterpoint to the guilt inducing condescension of many of my pregnancy manuals, many of which instantly doomed your offspring if you failed do such things as eat only whole wheat baked goods and read to your unborn fetus.
So, what we've established here so far is that:
a) I'm a bit of a feminist (shocking!)
b) I like books that use the excuse of a "serious premise" to explore interesting historical trivia.
Still, I'm sort of proud of myself just for publishing an actual critique on my opinion site, which is supposedly what it's here for.
This was beginning to turn into the "what I had for breakfast blog," which is just sort of a sad commentary on the state of my life as a whole.
In any case, this is a very interesting book, rife with interesting minutiae in the realms of cultural history and sociology, et al. One learns such things as that while our nearest primate cousins are still somewhat polygamous, human societies became prone to pair off as a sort of "sex for meat" exchange. The point is made that the current trend toward greater status and independence for women has coincided with the refinement of the photographic image. This is a varied and interesting little tour through several centuries of progress in the arts and humanities. But ultimately I feel he fails to adequately prove his point. I failed to encounter any evidence that was non anecdotal in format. I realize this was hardly an academic treatise or anything, but still, aren't doctors supposed to be scientists? I expect scientists to support their proposals with factual evidence and not interesting coincidences. But it was an entertaining read nonetheless.
For something in a similar vein, but better researched, I'd suggest Mother Nature : A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection, by anthropologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy, which explores the biological motivations of human parenting and sexual behaviors in the contexts of both history and evolution. Hrdy being one of those rare individuals who has mastered their field of expertise (in this case anthropology) and is able to write about it as if she were a writer first and foremost. Much in the tradition of Carl Sagan.
Another little gem, not so meticulously researched, and with a a bit of an unapologetic femisit bias, but well argued and most enlightening is The Myths Of Motherhood by Shari L. Thurer. It examines attitudes throughout the centuries in regards to what makes "a good mother." I read it while pregnant, as a counterpoint to the guilt inducing condescension of many of my pregnancy manuals, many of which instantly doomed your offspring if you failed do such things as eat only whole wheat baked goods and read to your unborn fetus.
So, what we've established here so far is that:
a) I'm a bit of a feminist (shocking!)
b) I like books that use the excuse of a "serious premise" to explore interesting historical trivia.
Still, I'm sort of proud of myself just for publishing an actual critique on my opinion site, which is supposedly what it's here for.
This was beginning to turn into the "what I had for breakfast blog," which is just sort of a sad commentary on the state of my life as a whole.
School Dreams
Had one of those dreams where I'm in school again, but a couple of weeks into the semester and there are classes I've forgotten to take,etc.
Only add to this a temporary amnesia factor, as if someone else has taken over my life and when I get back to it, I don't the way it's been handled, but am forced to deal with cleaning up the mess they've left for me.
Only add to this a temporary amnesia factor, as if someone else has taken over my life and when I get back to it, I don't the way it's been handled, but am forced to deal with cleaning up the mess they've left for me.
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Depressed people tend to gravitate to other depressed people, and somehow they expect the other depressed people to make them feel better. The sick thing is that about half the time it actually seems to work. Which makes it all the more depressing the fifty percent of the time that it doesn't work.
Why does it work at all? My theory is twofold: a) for some reason depressives are more responsive to and aware of humour, particularly the sarcastic kind, and b) intelligent people are more likely to be depressed and being intelligent, they are also easily distracted by intellectual matters.
Or whatever. Antidepressants work better, but they never introduce you to new bands or authors or anything...
Why does it work at all? My theory is twofold: a) for some reason depressives are more responsive to and aware of humour, particularly the sarcastic kind, and b) intelligent people are more likely to be depressed and being intelligent, they are also easily distracted by intellectual matters.
Or whatever. Antidepressants work better, but they never introduce you to new bands or authors or anything...
Tarot Cards of the Day
From the Haindl deck:
Nine of Stones (Material Gain): Fortune. Money, security, health, comfort. Avoid complacency, greed, or conceit.
Seven of Wands (Courage): Courage and daring - possibly, the courage to retreat. Using one's power for transformation.
Nine of Stones (Material Gain): Fortune. Money, security, health, comfort. Avoid complacency, greed, or conceit.
Seven of Wands (Courage): Courage and daring - possibly, the courage to retreat. Using one's power for transformation.
Breakfast of champions
Made grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast. Semolina sourdough bread with cheddar cheese and real butter. Then grated a baked potato into the still-hot frying pan and made hash browns, salted and heavily peppered. Sprinkled the potatos with a bit of hot sauce and ate it with a coke and a dill pickle.
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