Saturday, February 14, 2009

Windows 7 complaint of the week: why the HELL can't I extract downloaded .zip files in Windows 7?
Windows 7 complaint of the week: why the HELL can't I extract downloaded .zip files in Windows 7?
Great Amanda Palmer post re: her "Oasis" video and censorship:
Great Amanda Palmer post re: her "Oasis" video and censorship:
Slacking on the couch eating cherry pancakes, watching DVR'd cartoons, websurfing and being poor but fortunate this Valentine's day...
Slacking on the couch eating cherry pancakes, watching DVR'd cartoons, websurfing and being poor but fortunate this Valentine's day...
Opera 9.63 hearts Windows 7 this Valentine's major issues, crashes or weirdness.
Opera 9.63 hearts Windows 7 this Valentine's major issues, crashes or weirdness.

Monday, February 09, 2009

...back from the land of the semilucid & life did not wait for me. Laundry knows no sick days,nor do piles of dishes.
...back from the land of the semilucid & life did not wait for me. Laundry knows no sick days,nor do piles of dishes.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Feeling less ill. Well enough to indulge in some power used-bookstore lurking & serial pancake eating before nightfall. Tomorrow the world.
Feeling less ill. Well enough to indulge in some power used-bookstore lurking & serial pancake eating before nightfall. Tomorrow the world.

Friday, February 06, 2009

...tired of being sick and sick of being tired...curse this viral infection to the depths of purgatory and soforth...
...tired of being sick and sick of being tired...curse this viral infection to the depths of purgatory and soforth...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Home sick today - spent time couchbound w/ my Win 7 Beta install. Like this version of Media Center better - not enough web content though.
Home sick today - spent time couchbound w/ my Win 7 Beta install. Like this version of Media Center better - not enough web content though.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Burnt my cookies. This is not a metaphor. Actually burnt some sugar cookies and it smells quite unpleasant.
Burnt my cookies. This is not a metaphor. Actually burnt some sugar cookies and it smells quite unpleasant.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

First Windows 7 crash: blue screen of death encountered upon trying to install AVG antivirus 8. We soldier onwards.
First Windows 7 crash: blue screen of death encountered upon trying to install AVG antivirus 8. We soldier onwards.
Good Article on "Why Open Source?" here:
Good Article on "Why Open Source?" here:
Win 7 Beta is go! First thoughts? Windows 7 is to Vista as XP was to Win 2000. Same idea but improved upon slightly...
Win 7 Beta is go! First thoughts? Windows 7 is to Vista as XP was to Win 2000. Same idea but improved upon slightly...